
CIP的英文全称是Cataloging in Publication, 中文翻译为在版编目

The Cataloging iPublication Program creates bibliographic records for forthcoming books most likely to be widely acquired by U.S. libraries. The bibliographic record (also known as CIP data) is sent to the publisher and printed on the verso of the title page. A machine-readable version of the record is also distributed to libraries, book dealers, and bibliographic networks worldwide via the Library's Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS).

CIP在版编目(cataloging in publication):在图书出版过程中,由某一集中编目机构或某个图书馆的编目部门根据出版机构提供的书稿清样进行的文献编目工作。编目数据一般印在即将出版的图书的特定位置(书名页背面或版权页),以供各图书馆及其他文献工作机构用以编制各种目录。

在中国, CIP 是从新闻出版总署那里申请来的,国际标准书号ISBN是由新闻出版总署分配给各个出版社的。书号和CIP两者缺一不可,少了任何一个,都会被认定为非法出版物。

在美国,正式出版的图书需要国际标准书号ISBN和CIP, 或者ISBN和LCCN。也就是说, CIP可以被LCCN替代。

The Preassigned Control Number (PCN) Program assigns a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) to titles most likely to be acquired by the Library of Congress as well as some other categories of books. The publisher prints the LCCN in the book and thereby facilitates cataloging and other book processing activities for libraries and book sellers who obtain copies of the book.

LCCN(Library of Congress Control Number)在图书出版过程中,美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress)可以给一些有收藏价值的在版图书预先指定一个美国国会图书馆编目号码(Library of Congress Control Number)。LCCN 编目的信息跟CIP的信息类似。这样为了避免重复,美国的出版社在出版图书时可以选择使用ISBN+CIP 或者ISBN+LCCN。

美国南方出版社出版的所有图书都选择了ISBN+LCCN,这两组号码都印刷在图书的版权页最下端。美南社的图书出版后都会送交美国国会图书馆(Library of Congress)收藏。